2012. január 10., kedd


A Magyar Motorcsónak Szövetség pályázatot ír ki a 2012 UIM Nations Cup sorozaton való indulás jogáért.

A részvételi feltételek:
- sportorvosi engedély (kizárólag Sportkórházban)
- superlicenc
- WADA által elfogadott negatív doppingvizsgálat

Pályázati összeg: hajónként 1.000.000,- Ft

A pályázatok beküldésének határideje: 2012.  január 19. 12 óra
A pályázati elbírálása: 2012. január 19.
A pályázat benyújtásának módja: A pályamunkákat postai úton lehet benyújtani a Szövetség címére: 2400 Dunaújváros, Építők útja 2.

A nyertes pályázók közül, azonos feltételek mellett előnyben részesül a magasabb pályázati összeget ajánló.
Az indulás feltételei (a pályázó részére) az alábbiakban olvashatók:
Dear all,

Following the great success of the first edition of the UIM Nations Cup held last November in Singapore, H2O Racing is pleased to announce that the 2012 UIM Nations Cup will start in Khor Fakkan - Sharjah UAE. on 22-24 February
It has been also confirmed the event in Durban - South Africa in October in occasion of the UIM General Assembly.
The aim for next season is to have 4 events : we are looking forward to receive confirmation from Singapore in June and a second event in UAE in December.
 For the event in Khor Fakkan, we can accept the entries of 8 National Teams  since, due to the accidents occurred in Singapore, we will have available 16 racing boats only.
We are therefore asking to the interested National Authorities to send a candidature for the participation to the event in Khor Fakkan in February  indicating the intention to participate in whole  2012 UIM Nations Cup Championship, which will be one of the priorities at the time of the acceptanceof the National Teams taking part to the competition
The condition to participate in the 2012 UIM Nations Cup will be substantially the same as last year to which will  be added a deposit to guarantee any damages to the equipments and eventual  fines imposed on Drivers

Looking forward to hearing from you, I remain
 Very best regards

Marco Sala
H 2 O    R A C I N G

2011. évi feltételek:

Two F1NC Boats, powered by a Mercury Optimax 200XS SST engine

The boats will be provided fully equipped, ready to race, including propellers
and the radio system already fitted in the boats. All the drivers will be given
headset that has to be put on their helmets. No need from the drivers to bring
their own radios or headsets

The boats will be provided already painted in respective nations colours

There are available on the boats spaces for the Team’s sponsors as follows:
2 stickers 80x30 cm, 1 sticker 30x60, 2 stickers 105x30
The Teams are responsible for producing and fixing on the boats their advert

On request, H2O Racing can provide to each Driver an OMP racing overall
suit personalised with the national colours at an heavily discounted price.
Any request should be sent as soon as possible to marco@h2oracing.net
indicating the size

The National Teams are appointed by their National Authority and would consist of:

Minimum 2 up to 4 drivers
The Drivers must present a valid licence issued by their National Authority.
Each Driver must be properly insured as per local requirements and the UIM /
National Authority requirements
H2O racing reserves the faculty to select the participation of the Drivers
according with their sport skill

1 Team Manager, 1 or 2 Radiomen, 2 helpers per boat
All Team members must wear their own uniform preferably in National Colours

Each National Team is responsible for covering any travelling and hotel expenses for
all people representing the Nation

Fees and insurance

Driver Fee : € 500 (five hundred euro ) each Driver per Event

Boat Insurance : € 1.000 (one thousand euro ) per Boat per Event
covering the insurance for damaged equipment (deductible insurance per
accident € 1.500)

(F1NC Abu Dhabi Advance Notice kivonata)

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